Scott Charmoy practices law with his wife Sheila in the firm Charmoy &
Charmoy in Westport. He has served on the Easton Zoning Board of Appeals
since 2018, the Board of Assessment Appeals since 2019, and the Tax Relief for
the Elderly Committee since 2020. He also serves in the Volunteer Attorney
Program for the Connecticut Superior Court, assisting pro se litigants facing
foreclosure, and on the Pro Bono Panel for the United States Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Connecticut, which assists those in need in filing
bankruptcies. He loves living in Easton with his wife, two daughters, and way
too many pets.
I believe the three top issues facing Easton are land use, maintaining our
public school system, and public participation in town governance. Our Town
government must constantly balance maintaining our Town’s rural character
against allowing the appropriate nature amount of development in order to
maintain our tax base. While we love our farms, most people move here for
our excellent school system, and maintaining the high quality of that school
system despite continually rising costs, while managing residents’ tax burden,
is a constant battle.
Lastly, with only about 7,600 residents, Easton must continually search for
new committed volunteers to fill its various boards and commissions. We
will suffer as a Town unless more residents agree to serve.
Serving on the Board of Assessment Appeals admittedly does little to directly
affect these issues. But I will continue to run for office and volunteer my time,
and continue to address the tax appeals that come before me as fairly as
possible to the taxpayer and the Town, as do all my fellow board members.
The citizens of Easton can assure themselves the best chance of effectively
addressing the above issues by electing our outstanding Democratic