Good afternoon,
On Monday evening, February 3rd, there will be a Special Town Meeting. The town meeting, which includes all registered voters, is the actual legislative body of the Town of Easton. The meeting will be held in the cafetorium of Samuel Staples Elementary School at 7:00 pm. The agenda can be found at: https://www.eastonct.gov/.../agenda-special_town_meeting....
We will consider a new town ordinance, as we do every three years, to extend tax relief to our seniors. This will be voted on at the meeting. The new ordinance can be found at: https://www.eastonct.gov/.../2025-tax-relief-for-the... and accompanying report can be found here: https://www.eastonct.gov/.../2025-easton-tax-relief-for.... We will also discuss the renovation of the EMS building. Towards that end, the town will be asked to appropriate $2,951,613 to the building fund. The total cost of the project, including the $2,957,000 for the construction, will be $4,180,944. With further reimbursements from the state, the actual cost to the town is $1,833,458. While there will be an open discussion at the meeting, the actual question, as written on the agenda, will appear on the ballot at a referendum to be held on Tuesday, February 11th, at Samuel Staples Elementary School from 12:00 to 8:00 PM. If you are unable to vote during those hours, you may obtain an absentee ballot at Town Hall at the Town Clerk’s office beginning Tuesday, February 4th. For the Town Meeting, members of the public will be able to speak for 3 minutes, addressing the items on the agenda. No one will be given a second chance to speak until everyone who wants to speak on a given question is heard.
This week, the Regional Water Authority announced the completion of its purchase of the Aquarion Water Company. I have previously expressed my significant concerns, particularly with how Easton will be compensated for what would otherwise be property taxes for land the water company owns and also about how the company will be governed going forward. I am exploring options including working with the leaders of our neighboring towns. More to come.
There was a tragic and sudden death in our Park and Recreation Department this week. Eleni Yiannakides, who worked in the office passed away. Our hearts and prayers go out to her family and coworkers.
Our Tax Collector, Krista Kot, would like to remind the taxpayers that the second installment of real estate taxes, second installment of personal property taxes, and supplemental motor vehicle taxes are due no later than Monday, February 3, 2025. Payment can be made in person, by mail (please make sure your envelope is postmarked by February 3, 2025), or online via the link on the Tax Collector’s page at eastonct.gov (vendor fees apply). Please contact the tax office if you cannot find or have questions about your bill(s).
Our Town Hall’s Custodian, Terry Calgreen, is retiring today, January 31st. His friendly face has been seen around the Police Station, Library, and Town Hall for 27 years. He has worked for five First Selectmen, four Police Chiefs, and two Library Directors. He will be missed. We are fortunate that he is being replaced by retiring Police Sergeant, Tom Ceccarelli.
There’s a new online publication, created by three Easton residents, called The Cultural Easton. Please subscribe for free by visiting the site, and read the many great articles about interesting issues, people, and places around town! You can use the link: www.theculturaleaston.com. They are already getting great feedback about articles, and many subscribers! They want it to be an alternative to all the politics and social media pages in town; easy and enjoyable, yet stimulating, reading about our town, especially about all the amazing people, hiking, and conservation in our beautiful town.
Our Ukrainian sister city fundraising drive has been wildly successful! The town of Easton really came through! We're less than $3K away from hitting our $15,000 initial goal. The generators which we hoped to provide are already being spec'd out for the residents of Sviatohirsk! This is lifesaving for folks with no heat during the winter. A celebration is planned when we reach our goal. Let’s close the final gap. Thank you to our sister city steering committee for their hard work.
Activities around town:
Understanding Artificial Intelligence: Are you confused about AI? Want to be more informed? On Saturday, February 8th at 2:00 pm the Easton Public Library will host an engaging and informative presentation that introduces attendees to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) how it is applied in the real world, and why folks are concerned about it. Eddi Khaytman, MBA, is a web developer, graphic designer, and AI consultant. He has been involved in the field of AI for many years. Eddi has completed over 200 presentations in the field of AI and is known for his easy-to-understand subject matter and captivating style. Please register here: https://engagedpatrons.org/EventsRegister.cfm?SiteID=4460&BranchID=&Branch=&EventID=545405&PK=
Dr. Vivian Hardison, an Easton Psychologist, is hosting a Pre-Valentine’s Day Celebration at the Easton Senior Center on Wednesday, February 12th from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Enjoy music, hot chocolate, sparkling cider, and Valentine's treats while discussing this month’s topic “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” All are welcome; however, registration is required at 203-268-1145. Please wear something red! Dr. Hardison's programs have been very well received and attended in the past.
Easton Public Library Art Exhibits:
Nicole Traver: Pouring Wonders, now through February 15th in the Conference Room. Art Reception: Saturday, February 15, 4-7 pm.
Steven Holm-Hansen, Woodturner, now through February 15th in the Glass Display Case.
Easton P&R is partnering with Redding P&R to offer our residents these two amazing New York City Bus Trips that leave from the Redding Community Center (RCC).
Hadestown: Enjoy this award-winning Broadway show at a great price with the convenience of a coach bus. The trip is a Wednesday matinee on February 19th leaving the RCC at 9:00 am for a 2:00 pm performance. The trip features orchestra and 1st mezzanine tickets for an unbelievable price of just $119.
NY Rangers vs. Edmonton Oilers Hockey Game at MSG - Sunday, March 16th leaving the RCC at 3:00 pm for a 7:00 pm game. Seats are in section 216. The price for the trip is just $182.
Leave the driving and parking to us… Sign up for either trip online at www.townofreddingct.org (Under Trips/Events, "Redding Express Trips"). Questions? Call Redding P&R at (203)-938-2551.
Have a wonderful weekend!