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Easton DTC Staff

Easton First Selectman David Bindelglass Will Seek a Third Term

(Easton CT, March 2, 2023) Chair of the Easton Democratic Town Committee Nanette DeWester today announced First Selectman David Bindelglass will seek re-election to a third term. After serving on the Easton School Board, Bindelglass was elected First Selectmen in 2019 to lead the first Democrat majority on the Easton Board of Selectman in nearly 40 years. He was re-elected in 2021 with an historic 55% turnout in Easton.

In a statement released today, Bindelglass said, “It is with great excitement that I announce my intention to seek re-election as your First Selectman. I have so enjoyed working with the people of Easton these last three plus years…With bipartisan efforts in town hall, in our boards and commissions and within the community as a whole, we have simultaneously preserved what makes Easton so wonderful and also moved our town forward through ever changing times. We have built new bridges, figuratively and literally, on our roads and between our people, preserved farmland, and settled generational issues like the fate of the South Park property. We remain committed to providing the best education for our children, and great services to our seniors, while still remaining fiscally responsible.” (Read the full statement HERE.)

DTC Chair DeWester added, “We’re delighted Dave will run for a third term. His integrity and openness have made town government more effective for everyone. By working to create new ways for citizens to be heard--from brown bag lunches and weekly Facebook posts to expanded public comment at Board of Selectmen meetings--Dave’s focus on communication has not only increased citizen engagement with town government, it has fostered a spirit of community that makes it easier to build consensus around tough issues, from managing the pandemic to preserving the things that define Easton-- our excellent schools and senior services, our historic farms and open spaces.”

In his statement Bindelglass stressed the importance of major issues on the town agenda this year, including improvements to emergency services communications and the need to build a new EMS headquarters.

An orthopedic surgeon, Bindelglass lives in Easton with his wife Gloria.

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