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Easton Democrats Make Historic Election Gains

Updated: Dec 8, 2023

Easton Democrats Make Historic Gains, Sweeping All Major Offices in Municipal Elections--Boards of Selectmen and Finance, and Region 9 Board of Education

Democrats Campaigned on Transparent and Compassionate Local Government with Focus on Schools, Preservation, Senior Services, and EMS

(Easton CT, Nov 9 2023) Today Easton Democratic Town Committee Chair Nanette DeWester announced that Easton Democrats secured their most decisive victory ever in municipal elections on Nov. 7 with Democrats winning all major races by historically large margins including Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and Region 9 Board of Education. Democrats also won seats on the Easton Board of Education, Library Board, Board of Assessment Appeals, and Zoning Board of Appeals with 51% voter turnout.

Democrats reacting to news of election night wins
Dave and Nick react to the news that they will form the Board of Selectman majority and that Easton Democrats won by historically large margins for all major town offices.

“We are so grateful to the residents of Easton for taking the time to meet our candidates and share their views to give us a better understanding of their priorities,” said DeWester. “We have been very proud of this whole Democratic slate since the day we nominated them. Easton is in good hands with the expertise, experience and energy this group will bring to town government. Their professional experiences as physicians, business leaders, teachers, attorneys, librarians are extraordinary. But I think what really connected with voters was their deep understanding of what makes our town special and their shared dedication to ensuring Easton remains a well-run, welcoming town. They are committed to working for a responsive local government with professional expertise, civility, and compassion--and Easton voters approved that message.”.

(Bob Lessler, David Bindelglass, and Nick D'Addario wind up Campaign 2023 on the eve of the election. Watch the video HERE.)

First Selectman David Bindelglass was easily reelected to a third term and first-time candidate Nick D’Addario was elected Selectman, garnering more votes than either Republican candidate.. Bindelglass was first elected in 2019 to form the first Democratic majority on the Easton Board of Selectmen in 30 years and D’Addario campaigned on his commitment to building on that legacy.

Incumbent Board of Finance Chair Art Laske was easily reelected and current BOF Alternate Michael Gutowski also easily defeated incumbent Republican Michael Kot to secure a full seat on the Board for a six-year term. Democrats Jon Stinson and Karen O’Brien were elected to seats on the Region 9 Board of Education, with incumbent O’Brien easily defeating Republican Adam Dunsby, a former Easton First Selectman.

“One of our most important jobs during this campaign was to ensure that voters had ample opportunity to interact with our incumbents and also to introduce a number of talented newcomers on the slate,” DeWester said. “Beginning in July, we knocked on more than 2400 doors in town, a listening tour that gave us truly valuable insights into the issues that matter to voters--as well as confirmation that the concerted efforts made by Dave Bindelglass on the Board of Selectmen and Art Laske on the Board of Finance to make local government more transparent is immensely popular.”

Throughout the campaign, supporters praised Dr. Bindelglass for making it easier for Easton residents to work with the town and cited his strong record of preserving open spaces and farms, providing services to seniors, and his commitment to maintaining Easton’s top-tier schools, as well as his reputation for bringing people together for the good of the town in an era of political divisiveness and his historic trip to Easton’s Sister City, Sviatohirsk, Ukraine.

Easton’s State Representative Anne Hughes (D-135) also cited Bindelglass’ strong track record of collaborating with state and federal partners to ensure that Easton receives grant funding, resources, and services for local improvement and preservation projects as well as the critical need for his continued leadership on major initiatives to maintain senior services and construct a new EMS building.

Nick D’Addario will replace longtime Democratic Selectman Bob Lessler, who gave the nominating speech at the Democrats' caucus for D’Addario as his successor, citing his leadership expertise as a CEO with deep roots in the area and his commitment to local community organizations.

“I am delighted Nick will replace me on the Board of Selectmen,” said Lessler. “He lives our Democratic values by giving back to his community, as with his work on board of the Child and Family Guidance Center, and he will bring significant professional managerial skills to ensure that Easton remains a well-run town.”

Other Democrats who won races in Easton on Tuesday include:

  • Beth Natt, a pediatrician who also holds a Master of Public Health and MBA from Yale and is the mother of four children in the Easton schools won for Easton Board of Education

  • Attorney Scott Charmoy was reelected to the Board of Assessment Appeals

  • Attorney Leny Wallen-Friedman, a specialist in land-use issues, was elected to Board of Zoning Appeals

  • Renee Neiger, a Master of Library and Information Science and professional librarian and educator won for Library Board

  • Constables Irv Silverman, David Katz, and Raymond Martin III won their races.

About the Easton DTC

The Easton DTC is the official body of the Easton Democratic Party, elected by and representing the enrolled Democrats of the Town of Easton, Connecticut. Members of the Easton DTC are elected every two years. The Easton DTC works to elect candidates who reflect our democratic values. We support ethical, inclusive government at the municipal, state, and federal levels and believe citizen engagement in politics promotes democracy.

-- The Easton Democratic Town Committee

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